Friday, September 3, 2010

Classroom Goals

I am so glad we spent the time needed to create this goal list. When I first wrote out my own ten goals I did not think much of the assignment. Not to say that I did not give any thought to the goals I wrote, I just was not expecting to do much with them. When I read back through what I had wrote, even though each goal was something I truly wanted for my future students, I had no idea how I would even think about getting my students to meet them. The goals I created seemed to me like things that only a class full of perfect students could reach.

After we started talking in class I realized this assignment was worth much more then I had originally thought. Everyone contributed such thoughtful input when editing the class list. As we continued to talk through each goal I realized that having students that are motivated to learn through curiosity might actually be something that is attainable, as well as the rest of the goals we created.

I am interested in seeing how we integrate these goals into our own work in class this semester. I wonder if I will gain more insight as to how to help students reach these goals. I am also curious about whether or not goals on the list will change as we continue through the semester. Overall I think writing the goals has been a positive experience that will help all of us in our future classrooms. 


  1. I am glad we discussed all the goals and decifered goals from actions. As I was reviewing my goals I noticed a few were actions. After class I was able to take my actions and create an appropriate goal to match the action I deemed as important. I definitely agree that curiosity can fuel motivation. If the goals do not change through the semester, I think that in our future classrooms they will change or need modifications.

  2. Hi Andrea,
    I have to agree with what you said about jotting down some "good" student goals, and not giving much thought to the premises/reasons for the goals. Admittedly, I had a much easier time outlining goals for myself than for my future students. However, after our class discussions, the importance of student goals became much more clear.
    Another aspect that I agree with you about is setting reasonable and attainable, yet at the same time "challenging," goals for our students (if that wording makes any sense!). I know that for myself, I often find myself setting very high, somewhat unattainable goals that I truly have to push myself to achieve. And honestly, that's also how I thought about goals for my you said the "perfect" students. Our class discussion and collaboration of goals, really helped me to be more realistic in my thinking...of course, we want our students to be able to achieve their goals and be curious to learn!

  3. I definitely agree that this assignment has been much more beneficial than I had originally expected when it was first assigned. It was really helpful to construct a class list of student goals, and actually think about ways (physical student actions) in which we could assess if students were attaining the goals. Although, I also agree that writing goals can be a positive experience, I think it is equally important for us to ask our selves how we could measure the attainment of the goals we write during the writing process as opposed to after.

  4. I agree that the class time spent on setting these goals was worthwhile. Regarding your last paragraph about how these goals will be used and possibly evolve, I have some thoughts. Looking at the last page of the syllabus, I believe that these goals will be central to the entire semester. Anything that we are thinking about teaching to science students will be bounced off this list to see which goal it applies to. If it does not apply to any of the goals, I think we have to consider whether a goal needs to be adjusted or added, or if the lesson we were looking at teaching really is not something that class time should be spent on. I think that the student goals will be looked at with every assignment.
